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Jesper Wallentin

Our research concerns the intersection of nanoscience and X-ray science. We use X-rays to investigate nanostructured devices, and we develop nanostructures as X-ray detectors. We have a strong collaboration with the Nanomax beamline at MAX IV, and we also visit other synchrotrons for experiments. Most of the projects also involve colleagues in NanoLund, and we are frequent users of the Lund Nano Lab.

We can offer many kinds of different MSc and BSc thesis projects, focusing on X-ray analysis, data analysis or nanofabrication. Please contact Jesper for more information. You can find a non-exhaustive list of ideas for projects under the headline "Semiconductor nanostructure".

Bachelor and Master projects at the Division of Synchrotron Radiation Research



An updated and complete list of publications on Google Scholar.

A selected list of recent work (links will open publishers' websites):

Page Manager: | 2024-10-22

Research group


  • Klara Suchan
  • Leonardo Oliveira

PhD students

  • Nils Lamers
  • Huaiyu Chen
  • Ziyun Huang


  • European Research Council, ERC, Starting Grant WIREDETECT, 801847
  • Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare, Swedish Foundations' Starting Grant
  • WISE / KA Wallenberg
  • Swedish Research Council (VR)
  • Crafoord
  • NanoLund